My Small Business Story
/As I was growing up, I devised business ideas. I wanted to create a baby-sitters club in my hometown based on the well-known children's book series. Throughout my no-holds-barred entrepreneurial thinking in my youth I was met with resistance. Thus, there were no lemonade stands. But the urge to start my own business has always been there, even when I wasn't sure what type of business I would start.
Fast forward 20 years to a marketing agency professional who loved her work, her colleagues and what the business stood for. A wife, and a mom of two, she someone who longed to carve out "just a little more time." More time for her family, more time for herself and more time to pursue the passions that lit her creative fire. Yeah, that's me.
While on maternity leave with my youngest son I realized something: While I love my clients and the agency world, the burning desire to exercise my entrepreneurial side was still there - stronger than ever, in fact. In part, this was because I wanted to achieve financial freedom to find my version of balance but what also excited me was the idea of serving those who needed my talents most: small businesses. The old adage is "Small businesses are the backbone of our economy." It's one I wholeheartedly believe.
I read somewhere about side hustles being thought of as test pilots for your life and it made complete sense to me. I wanted to test the waters and see if I could build a business for myself serving those who really needed help on the path to achieving their own business goals. In October 2016, the stars literally aligned and my path was laid out before me. I was up nights, waking from a deep sleep, coming up with ideas of how to best serve the small business owner. Within months, this website was born.
No, every day, I get to work on creating a business and legacy for myself. How exciting is that!?
I want to know: What sparked your small business dream?